Sons of Anarchy

>> Saturday 5 February 2011

I don't watch TV but I do however watch DVD boxsets of TV shows usually WAY after the fact.
I have just purchased Season 1 and 2 of Sons of Anarchy which is described as "The Sopranos on Harleys".
Couldn't be more true.  It is violent, degrading and downright frightening but I love it.
Most likely largely due to the main character Jackson, who is completely droolworthy.  Give me dirty long hair and a man with tattoos and leather anyday...of course in reality I would never let a man like this into my house to sit on my fine furniture, but in unreality world, he's quite the catch.

Jackson "Jax" Teller, vice president of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO or, as they are otherwise known, Sam Crow) suddenly finds himself conflicted. On the one hand, Jax is a tattooed one percenter, an ex-con, a member of the Men of Mayhem (meaning he has killed on behalf of the club), the second-in-command of a group of bikers who make their money selling guns to whomever has the cash, primarily the drug gangs. On the other, Jax is a new father to Abel, who was born premature because his mother (Jax's ex-wife) was a voracious meth addict. And that birth has got Jax re-examining himself, the club and his place in it.


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