sTori Telling

>> Sunday 17 October 2010

I am currently reading the New York Times Besteller (yes, really!) "Stori Telling" by Tori Spelling.

I have to say I love this girl.  She's no prize winning author by any stretch of the imagination but she certainly is witty and has that unique ability of being able to laugh at herself without being self-deprecating.  What I found interesting is just how similar her life is to mine, and probably thousands of other women which goes to prove that growing up in Beverley Hills and having a gazillionaire for a father doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things.  She makes retarded decisions regarding men-folk, she has problems getting work, she argues with her mother constantly (mainly about interior design).  Most surprising of all was the longterm relationships she had, first with a boyfriend who was mentally abusive to her and then to a husband who was emotionally uninvolved with her...wouldn't you think with all that money you could afford to upgrade to the PERFECT guy.  Hopefully she has managed to do that with current husband, Dean.  But it gives me hope in knowing it took her until her mid-30s to find him.


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